16 AUGUST 1890, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of August 9th, I notice that a gentleman " called" F. 0. Morris indignantly repudiates the statement that " some one in a publication called Short Cuts" unearthed the story of the Duke of Wellington and the toad. If Mr. F. 0. Morris had read your appreciative paragraph more carefully, he would have noticed that no such claim was put forward by the paper to which he so courteously alludes, but that it was the writer of the paragraph in the Spectator who stated that Short Cuts had "unearthed" the anecdote. I am quite willing to credit Mr. F. 0. Morris with having once upon a time told this ancient but interesting story; but when he remarks, " I think also that my version is a better one than the other referred to," I feel it might have been wiser to leave the decision of this point to a more competent and less partial authority.—I am, Sir, &c., EDITOR OF "SHORT CUTS."