16 AUGUST 1890, Page 3

L'Illustration, the French Graphic, has been publishing the diary of

a certain M. Chaudoin, one of the hostages who was seized by the King of Dahomey, and kept three months in captivity, chained for the greater part of the time to his fellow- prisoners. On one occasion they were present at a sort of review of fifteen thousand of the King's warriors. The sight of the body of Amazons, the four thousand black virgins who form the Royal Bodyguard, and who, armed with rifle and knife, "stand ready to attack at the slightest signal of their master," seems to have greatly impressed him. " Old or young, plain or handsome, they are all alike marvellous to see. As full of muscle as the male warriors, their attitude is as well disciplined and correct, and the leaders at the head of each column are easily recognised by their rich attire and their resolute air. Such are the Amazons under arms, differing very much from the savage horde which fancy has painted them. The triple circle which they form is immense, without a single break or interstice, and beyond it the vast crowd, silent and almost awestruck."