16 AUGUST 1913, Page 23

READABLE NOVELS.—Everbreeze. By Sarah P. McLean Greene. (Appleton. 6s.)—An American

story of life in the hills. It is pleasant reading, but the end is almost too much like that of an old-fashioned comedy.—The Widow's Necklace. By Ernest Davies. (Duckworth. Os.)—The plot revolves round a stolen pearl necklace. Although the course of the story is not original, the end is astonishingly unexpected. It would not be fair to the author to reveal the secret.—The Ffolliots of Redmarley. By L. Allen Harker. (John Murray. 6s.)—A. modern novel, of which the two chief personages are an old- fashioned squire and a middle-class Radical Member of Parliament. The usual love story is also provided; neverthe- less the interest centres in the two characters designated above.