16 AUGUST 1919, Page 12

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — It is encouraging

to find the Spectator warning us against a Government subsidy. You rightly say " If Oxford and Cambridge were to accept a subsidy they would from that moment cease to be free "—a consummation to be avoided at all costs in the highest interests of education and the nation at large. I think your suggestion admirable, and I shall only be too pleased to contribute an annual guinea for a period of years. I trust you will get an ample response.—I am, Sir, &c., JAMES GLOVER, M.A. Cantab. Lowton House, Lowton, Lancashire.

[We are sure that the University authorities have only to make the appeal to get the response, but it must of course be made by them and not by us.—En. Spectator.]