16 AUGUST 1919, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is possible that some of your readers may be interested to learn of the arrangement to open Ripon Hall in Oxford as a Training College for clergy next October. This institution was founded by Bishop Boyd-Carpenter in 1900, as the Ripon Clergy Training College. It was his desire later on to establish it on a more secure and permanent basis. For this purpose he had begun to raise funds before his death. Of the .810,000 he desired to obtain about half has already been received. This is sufficient for the purchase of the new premises in Oxford, but a further sum of £5,000 is still needed for equipment and other expenses. An appeal for this amount, with the support of the Bishop-designate of Oxford, of the Bishops of Carlisle and of Hereford and of Bishop Ryle, is at present being circu- lated. The Principal, the Rev. H. D. A. Major, Copgrove Rectory, Burton Leonard, Harrogate, will gladly furnish any

further particulars. There is little need to dwell on the service which such an institution, wisely conducted. may render to the Church of England and to English Christianity at the present time. Any contributions sent to the Ripon Hall Clergy College account at Messrs. Barclays' Bank, High Street. Oxford, will be gratefully acknowledged by Canon Glazebrook and Sir Richard Stapley, who are Hon. Treasurers of the Fund.