16 AUGUST 1935, Page 2

Ministers' Autumn Campaign

The campaign of speeches by members of the 'Governs went arranged for the autumn by • the National' Govern- ment Co-ordinating Committee — as last year has importance quite apart from preparations for the General' Election. The weakness of the Opposition, which is felt not only in Parliament but in the constituencies, and the absence of clear-cut dividing lines in practical politics, have led to a political apathy unparalleled in living. memory. National Government and the needs of the time have had the effect of diminishing factiousness. But • there is, also a certain loss in healthy political interest.' Well- organized public meetings, addressed by • Ministers competent to state the whole programme of National .Government as viewed by Conservative, • Liberal and National Labour members,•can do something to counteract this inactivity. Since Mr. Lloyd George will also be taking the field, and the official Labour Party will be more active than it has been latterly, we may expect some in the political temperature between now and the new year.