16 DECEMBER 1843, Page 5


A numerous meeting was held at Glasgow Trades Hall on Saturday, to aid the Anti-Corn-law League in i:s new plan of agitation. Provost Lumsden presided ; and Mr. James Oswald, Member for Glasgow, several members of the Corporation, Mr. Alexander Graham, Mr. Walter Buchanan, and other leading Liberals, were on the platform. The speeches developed nothing new ; Mr. Graham remarking, that "the truths connected with the repeal of the Corn-laws belonged to that class whose vast importance compensated for their total want of noveh y." Resolutions were passed unanimously, declaring that the agitation and discussion of the subject had served to confirm opinion against the corn monopoly ; renewing a pledge, never to cease from urging the total and unqualified repeal of the monopoly on corn and other provisions ; re- Cording "most grateful admiration of the wisdom and energy which have so eminently combined in the recent plans and operations of the Anti-Corn-law League " ; and calling for pecuniary aid to enable the League to carry on its operations. Mr. Buchanan stated, that the sub- scription in Glasgow, last year, amounted to 2,344/. ; this year, it already amounted to 4,0001.; and he doubted not that in a very short time they would be enabled to increase that sum to perhaps double the amount.

We understand that the Senatus of Marischal College and University of Aberdeen have, by a majority of seven to four, adopted a series of resolutions regarding religious tests, of a similar spirit to those agreed to in Glasgow.—Glasgow Argus.