16 DECEMBER 1843, Page 7

The Dublin Evening Packet states that the Irish Landlord and

Tenant Commissioners have appointed as their Secretary, Captain John Pitt Kennedy, of Cloghan, in the county of Donegal. Captain Kennedy was formerly in the Royal Engineers : since his retirement he has de- voted great attention to the improvement of the Irish people ; and he is the founder of the Model Farm at Glasuevin, under the National Board of Education.

A Mr. Henry Moriarty recently resigned the Irish Commission of the Peace which be held, and the Repeal journals at once added him to the list of Sugden's martyrs " ; crowing because a Protestant gentle- man had done so "in disgust," and had " thrown his commission in the Chancellor's teeth." In a letter to Mr. Moriarty, the Chancellor's Se- cretary reminds him, that he had been threatened with dismissal unless he desired a public investigation of a charge which had been made against him, of personal misconduct ; on which he resigned.