16 DECEMBER 1848, Page 19


BRITISH FUND 8. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Hendee. reads,. View. Thum. Friday.


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 6p. Ct. - Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p. Ct I - Belgian - a 22 Ditto 3 Michigan 6 — Brazilian 5 - 75 Mississippi (Starling) 6 --- Buenos Ayres 6 - 203 New York (1858) ..... ... Ai - 91

ChilLin 6 - Ohio 90 ex d.

Danish 3 - Pennsylvania 5 68

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...a -13 Peruvian 6 - 39 Ditto 4 - Portuguese 5

French 3 - - Ditto 3 -

Ditto 9 -. --- UMW= 6 1024 Indiana (Sterling) s - - S 6 1 Illinois 6 - D III?. la 3

Kentucky - 89} Ditto (Passive) 3} Louisiana (Sterling) 6 - 85 Ditto (Deferred) ... --. Maryland (Sterling) 6 - 70 Venezuela Active . 15 SHARES.

(Last °Wel Quotation dating the Week ending Friday Evening.) BAILIVLIII BAN af•-• Caledonian 201 Australasian

Edinburgh and Glasgow 378 British North American

Eastern Counties 111 Colonial Great Northern 7f Commercial of London Great North of England .. .... 226 London and Westminster Great Western 78} London Joint Stock

Hull and Selby 96 National of Ireland

Lancashire and Yorkshire - National Provincial Lancaster and Carlisle 461 Provincial of Ireland London Brighton and South Croat 291 Union of Australia London and Blackwell 43 Union of London London and North-western 1298 Rises- Midland 81 Bolanos

North British 15 Brazilian Imperial

Northern and Eastern 583 Ditto (St. John Del Rey) South-eastetn and Dover 221 Cobre Copper South-western 39 MI., EL LAN curt...

York, Newcastle, and Berwick 261 Australian Agricultural .. .....

York and North Midland 51 Canada Doses- General Steam East and West India 117} Peninsular and Oriental Steam .

London Royal Mail Steam

St. Katherine 721 South Australian.


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the weekending on Saturday, the 9th day of December 1848.

ISSUE DEPABTMENT • 427,733,735 Government Debt £11,019,1f0

Other Securities 2,084.900

Gold Coin and Bullion 13,119,921 Silver Bullion 607,900 BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bare, Standard £317 a Copper,British Cakes £7 9 10 0.. 0 0=0 Foreign GoldinCoin,PortugalPlecee 0 0 0 Iron, British Ban.... 6 0 0 . • a a 0 New Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig . ... 16 16 0 .. 16 0 0' Hiller in Bus, Standard...... 0 4 la Steel,Englieh 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0-


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 51s. 04.1I Rye 30.. 94. Wheat 6. Od.. i Rye 85.0d.

Barley 82 10 Beans . 36 10 Barley 2 0 1 Beane 2 0

Oats 20 3 1 Peas 40 1 Oats 2 6 1 Peas a 0 Weekly Averages for the Wee k ending December O. Wheat, 4Es. 9d.-Barley,31.. 4.4-Oats, 19s. 5d.-Rye, 281. 5d.-Seas, 19s. 7d-Pees, 390.34.


Butter-Best Fresh, 18.. per doz.

Carlow, 41. O.. to 41.4e per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 54.. - 581.

Cheese, Cheshire at - 64 Derby Plain 60 - 64 Hams, York 60 - 80

Eggs, French, per 120, 66 6d. to 5.. Od.

Beef .. Mutton Veal .. Pork .. Lamb . NEWCIAT• BUTCHERS' MEAT.

AND LELDENFILLL•. Samarumn.• e. d. e. d• a. d.

3 0 to 8 4 to & 8 2 10 to 4 3 0 - 3 6 - 4 0 8 4 - 4 3 0 - 8 8 - 4 2 3 8 - 4 4 0 -.. 4 8 - 6 0 4 6 4 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0-0 • To sink the offal, s.

to pe 4.





8 lb

HELD or CILT11.11 Sat ITEFIELD. Friday.

Beasts. 1,923 Sheep. 6,240 Calves. 288 Pigs.-. 220 at Monday.

5,912 21,840 124 200

Rent Pockets

Choice ditto

Pockets Subsea Pocke

Fine ditto HOPS.

hils. to 701.

45- 120 45 66

0 - 0


York Regents per roa.140s.

Devon' to Scotch Reds 0 --1/0 0 - Kent and Bose: Whites 100. .-140 RAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Coe aramisla. SuItarlELD. Watrareirlf.; .

Hay, Good


72s. to 76. 70.. to 73s.

AS - 63 48 - 60 409. to fills.

0 - 0 New

o 0 0 - 0

0- 0

Clover 90 - 95 92 - 94 00 - 100' Wheat Straw 38 - 32 22 - 29 20 - 29




Rape 011 per. cwt. 41 15s. 64. Tea. Bohea, fine, ....per lb.

Or. ler. to


Linseed Oil 116 6 1 2 0

Comma, One 1 3 - 2 0

Souchong, 1 3 -

Linseee 011-Cake

per 1000 0 0 0 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb.

Candles, per dozen, 5.. Od. to 54. 64. Coffee, One (in bond) per cwt. 51s. to 100s.

Moulds (6d.per doz. discount.) 74. Od. Good Ordinary 25s.04. 1.0 86S.

Coals, Helton 18s. 04. Ties 17.. 84.

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt.. 228. id.

West India Rotuma,. 141. Od. to 175. 8di

3 per Cent Consols lit to for Account

Sper Cents Reduced

31 per Cents

Lang Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per Cent

India Stock, 10}

Exchequer Bills, 'r)I. and 3.1. per diem

India Bonds, 4} per Cent 67 871 873 878 shut

87 67 es 88 48 ex d.

561 86 661 868 871

1161 84 SS Sf,I 879 - -- s 6

190} 190 191 -- 189 38 pm. 38 -- shut -

13-37pm 39-38 39.37 39 39-37

38 pm. 38 -- 35 39 87


39-87 89 427,733,735 427,733,76{ BANKING DEPARTMENT.

Proprietors' Capital 414,563,000 I Government Securities, (in.

Rest 3,374,251 eluding DeadWeight,0rstsuity)413,329.012

Public Deposits* 7,061,202 I Other Securities 10,666,558

Other Deposits 9,567,966 Notes 10,711,710

Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,002,726 I Gold and Silver Coin

789,516 £35,559,145 £35,559,145 • IncludInglixchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of NationalDebt & Dividend Arai.


3k a) laa 119 ex d.


N t e 1 u e d

GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 13.

I. I.

Wheat,11.New 40 toll

Rye 211028 Maple 37 to38

S. S.

Oats, Feed . 17 tote Fine 47-50 Barley 24 -26 White 30 -32 Fine. 18 -19 Old 42-48 Malting... 30 -32 Boilers ... 33 -36 Poland .. 20 -21 White 46-48 Malt, Ord.... 54 -66 Beans,Ticks. 27 - 29 Fine . 21-22 Fine 60 -52 Fine 57 -58 Old 32 -34 Potato .. 23 -24 Super. New .. 52-56 Fens, Bog ... 33-37 Harrow 11-33 Fine . 24 -25


Town-made persack 46s. to 49s.

Seconds 43 - 45 Essex and Sudelk.on board ship 40 - 43 Norfolk and Stockton 37 40 Bran per quarter 0 - 0

Pollard,fine 0 - 0 Bread, 614. to 8d. the 41b. loaf.