16 DECEMBER 1848, Page 7

2,568,215 631,784 122,208 29,317

The supposititious list of intended Ministers is somewhat varied by Perri letters. It is now said that General Rulhieres will be Minister of War; and there is a doubt whether the department of Finance is to be confide& to M. Passy or to M. Achille Fould. M. Falloux, a Legitimist, is to be Minister for Public Instruction; Colonel Rebillot will be Prefect of Polite; and M. Berger Prefect of the Department of the Seine. The present Ministers are making preparations to vacate their official hotels. General Lamoricihre, the Minister of War, has removed his far; niture to his private apartments in the Rue de Bac; and M. Bastide, tha Minister for Foreign Affairs, has rented a house in the Rue de I.Kadral The sweep will be nearly as general as it was in February last. The gross returns of the French Presidential election, received in Paris down to yesterday evening, were summed as follows— Louis Napoleon

Cavaignao Ledru-Rollin Baspail