16 DECEMBER 1893, Page 23

Parliamentary Pictures and Personalities. By Reginald Cleaver, Sidney P. Hall,

Paul Renouard, H. W. Brewer, and other artists. With descriptive letterpress by Harold W. Cox. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This volume contains the illustrations of Parlia- mentary life and work which have appeared in the Graphic news- paper during the four Sessions 1890-93. To these have been added some six hundred reproductions of photographs of Members of the present House. It is interesting, by the way, to note the difference between the presentments of a man as given by the photograph and by the pen of a skilful artist. The photographs are curiously uninstructive, so to speak. The book itself is as pleasant and entertaining a volume to look through as can be easily imagined. It is quite impossible to describe its attractions. What would not one give to have the same portraiture of some of the famous Parliaments of old P