16 DECEMBER 1932, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The present economic situation should not in the least damp the cordiality of . the long-standing Anglo-Spanish friendship. If momentary troubles, which arc now being experienced everywhere, do handicap the trade between these two countries, the good will of their people, in a well-known mutual liking for one another, ought, surely, to overcome all such diffictflties.

Amongst the many instances which might be taken to sup- port that point we have, as regards Spain, Almeria grapes. The British people know quite well the good it does to ones health to eat a bunch of grapes every day, especially in damp climates so propitious for the development of arthritis. But they also know that the " grapes cure " is based on the essen- tial condition of the fruit being ripened naturally in the sun, which is the only means of obtaining a perfect balance between the acid and sugar richness in the fruit, as well as a maximum content of active vitamin. Of all the grapes grown on the Continent those of Almeria are the one kind which by the specific conditions of their botanic variety do comply with all these requirements. By reason of the exceptional open-air nature of the soil in which they grow, they also have the Property of keeping in perfect condition for a long time. Is it not logical to expect that all commercial difficulties arising at a given moment could be surmounted by a firm determination to obtain such a product, which cannot be replaced by any other ?

The same happens with the well-known commodities which are supplied by England to Spain ; they are unobtainable else- where of the same excellent quality peculiar to them, and that is what permits us to confirm what we said before ; that if the

mutual and sincere friendship existing between the countries were not in itself sufficient to overcome trading obstacles which the world crisis might put in their way, the need of looking for what they want where it can be found will always bring England and Spain together in a mutual understanding.-- I am, Sir, &R.,