16 DECEMBER 1989, Page 27

Ancient Croker

Sir: Your readers, I hope, will forgive me for not responding to John Evershed's long letter (9 December) about my views on the EC. I set them out plainly in my article and, right or wrong, I stand by them. But I must apologise for an error in my column last week. The name of J. W. Croker, the Anglo-Irish polemicist and long-time Secretary to the Admiralty, mysteriously emerged in print as 'Crocker'. As he is rather a favourite of mine, and as he was proud of his ancient Devonshire name, included in the saying,

Croker, Crwys and Copleston When the Conqueror came were at home, I feel I should apologise to his indignant shade too.

Paul Johnson

29 Newton Road, London W2