16 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 10


Monday, Feb. 18. Australian Colonies Government Bill: second reading. .... Amendment : That the second reading be postponed till further papers are obtained—Mr. Scott.

.... Landlord and Tenant (Ireland): Bill to Amend the Law—Sir William So, mgr vibe.

Tuesday, Feb. 19. Poor-laws : Committee of the whole House to consider the ques- tion of revision with the view of mitigating the Distress of the Agricultural Gaon —Mr. Disraeli.

Amendment : Select Committee to inquire into the effects of the Corn-laws from 1815 to 1848; also into Local and General Taxation as affecting Agricultural and other property during the same period—Mr. Anderson. .... Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin : Commission of Inquiry— Mr. Heyward.

Affirmations : Bill to Substitute an Affirmation for an Oath in cases of reli- g▪ ions scruple—Mr. Wood. Corporation of London: Bill to abolish Fines and Stamp-duties on Admis- s▪ ion—Mr. Alderman Sidney.

Wednesday, Feb. 20. Bankrupt and Insolvent Members Bill: second reading. Thursday, Feb. 21. Juvenile Offenders: Bill for the Correction and Reformation— Mr. Monckton Milnes.

.... Church-rates, Abolition of—Mr. Trelawney. Tobacco : To consider the Laws which prohibit the Cultivation in the United Kingdom—Colonel Dunne. • Woods and Forests Bill for better Management—Lord John Russell. Foreign Wood : Remission of Duty on foreign wood used in shipbuilding— Mr. Mitchell.

Friday, Feb. 22. Savings-banks : Select Committee—Chancellor of the Exchequer. .... Savings-banks: Bill to amend the Law—Chancellor of the Exchequer.