16 FEBRUARY 1895, Page 14



SIE,—As the dogs are having a good time in the Spectator, I hope you will allow the cats a share. Your readers may be interested in hearing of the crafty trick of a black Persian.. Prin ' is a magnificent animal, but withal a most dainty one,. showing distinct disapproval of any meat not cooked in the especial way he likes,—viz., roast. The cook, of whom he is very fond, determined to break this bad habit. Stewed or boiled meat was accordingly pat ready for him, but, as he had often done before, he turned from it with disgust..

However, this time no fish or roast was substituted. For three days that saucer of meat was untouched, and no other food given. But on the fourth morning the cook was much rejoiced at finding the saucer empty. Prin ' ran to meet her, and the good woman told her mistress how -extra affectionate that repentant cat was that morning. He did enjoy his dinner of roast that day (no doubt served with a doable amount of gravy). It was not till the potboard under the dresser was cleaned on Saturday that his artful- ness was brought to light. There, in one of the stewpans, at The back behind the others, was the contents of the saucer of stewed meat. There was no other animal about the place, -and the other two servants were as mach astonished as the .cook at the clever trick played on them by this terribly spoilt pet of the house. But cook was mortified at the thought of that saucer of roast beef. I know this story to be true, and I have known the cat for the last nine or ten years. It lives