16 FEBRUARY 1968, Page 26

The revenge of failure

Sir: It is unfortunate that in Mr Simon Raven's latest outburst against the unspeakable non-public- school population (9 February) any valid points that he may have had have been so smothered in prejudice that the resulting article is merely hysterically silly.

Before daring to say this I must of course prove Oat I am not a 'whining, grizzling' failure. I went to grammar school, have eight '0' levels, one 'A' level, three Diplomas in Music and have made a reasonable success at all the jobs I have attempted, although I am not the financial success which Mr Raven would consider desirable. Also I am ashamed to admit that I have wasted the last eight years in trying to be a `warm, giving, loving human ;mine to my two sons, and that only now they gre both at school can I return to the 'more pre- cise and efficacious' motive in life of amassing filthy lucre. And I am afraid I am 'annoying' enough to Care for 'tiresome causes' like Vietnam, although

I do not wear plastic badges and my feet are clean and shod. (Why is a plastic badge more childish than an old school tie?) It is the second half of Mr Raven's article which really shows his prejudices at full strength, and, I'm afraid, reveals him as the financial failure re- venging himself on the financial success. How shocking that people of no education and with the appalling twin vices of pimples and narrow shoulders (unknown, of course, to the great and good) should actually earn more than Mr Raven, who comes from the right class, went through all the right educational processes and has always played the game according to the rules. (What rules, by the way?) Despite his journey up the 'orthodox educational ladder' I am afraid Mr Raven has a very roseate and unhistorical view of the 'old days.' Fame and money have rarely been accorded to quality and industry; honours and riches never were reserved for 'great and good men'; and the 'cavorting huckster of the twelvemonth' has always been the public hero. At least these days he isn't a highway- man.

It would be interesting to know what brought on this particular bout of spleen. Perhaps he has just paid the first instalment of his income tax?