16 FEBRUARY 1985, Page 23


Two camps

Sir: It would seem that Beryl Bainbridge (Diary, 2 February) left behind her corn- 'nonsense when she decided to visit Greenham Common, a fault common to Many who make the same pilgrimage. She Compared Greenham to Birkenau concen- tration camp, a grotesquely inappropriate analogy for many reasons. I was in the dark as to whether she meant the airbase was like Birkenau, or whether she meant the camp set up outside it, but no matter. In any case the comparison appeared to be Made more for effect than in order to promote rational understanding of the issues involved, and far too much of that nonsense appears elsewhere without your adding to it.

Does Beryl comprehend what happened at Birkenau? Even more entertainingly, does she wish to extend the comparison all the way, and have Greenham liberated by the Red Army, as was Birkenau? If you Want to score rhetorical points, you must lose some too.

Gary Mead

3S Chatsworth Road, Eccles, Manchester