16 FEBRUARY 2002, Page 31

Example beats edict

From Mr Ian Maitland Sir: Your leading article (9 February) is compelling but omits a key factor — public distrust of government 'experts'. who, we suspect, will write whatever the government desires. After the BSE scandal and the recent supportive report by the government-chosen accountants on the merits of the PPP plan for the London Underground. rubbished by all other commentators, we simply don't trust them.

Furthermore, the failure of leadership by the Prime Minister, backed by his MPs who will not confirm that their own children of the appropriate age have been vaccinated with MMR. leads us to suspect that this is a case of 'it's good enough for your children but not for mine'.

If the government wants mothers to use the MMR vaccine, thick reports won't do it, but examples by the leaders will achieve its objective.

Ian Maitland

London SW1