16 JANUARY 1830, Page 3

Mary Murray was committed at Marlborough Street on Tuesday, for

a robbery in the house of the Rev. Sir John Robinson, in Albemarle Street. She had con- trived to enter the house and seize upon a writieg-desk, which contained bank

bills, watches, and jewels, to the amount of 300/. She was observed, however, as she was retiring with her booty, and apprehended. Three young men have in the course of the week applied at police courts for admission to Brixton Gaol. They could procure no employment. One, who preferred his petition at Union Hall, was told, that as he had committed no offence he could not be sent to Brixton. He left the office, broke a window, and was gratified in his desire to spend a month upon the tread-mill. At the Mansionhouse, yesterday, Sir Peter Laurie stated that the number of pickpockets had decreased considerably. He ascribzd it to the custom of wear- ing cloaks !