16 JANUARY 1858, Page 9

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., • • VISReficjAfilgit4 ow is Y.AlaulPer1aPti o,peia pee. Dig 'been extremely a ,e4e.:untien - .114.... beets, befween4 ig,i9c$1,,.. • '17,11ere eeneral-eepeohttaam Of A . e)30 tp,_19WPF Priees,,hutethe -1/f1 (11441111k:- reitak: of interest • . , • •f. . es.sisted 4.1reening..the market taii V.Ièli,ypit9rilflflotheiitate,Mse I'S 'IL from fur ,B. at which jihad e 7t4sihisklite IA ReP efertle '11:ae.is irililLeri5 t it,i.:1491 - bli"Ct IgE• .. ' .

111,91 -,e,Light

Emperor Ithegli 'aft tiihn ttii 14Miiiess,- el stid ere 'el .,,a. t;rtf.y ,.., , , ,..Aloiiq has

been exceedingly cheap! tigintigh04V ef*i.4141e finierninent se-

cutitteg obtainable: it tie low a' riaid1"11 Of "Tronadli Opened on Monday at 95 9.69 ;. Ibll to' 949 ;-titill •aftbeif tabbing 95E;S•iii; ' KnallY dead this' afternoen. at 941 949. •- :Bank • Steele{,-.+122,221.4 ..lietiesTWeetrieli C.entfq• fitt 06. Exthequer Bills, 2220 premium.

Throughout the week the Foreign Market has been excessively buoyant ; nearly all descriptions of stock having maintained the late advance. Turkish Four per Cents at one time reached 1054; but subsequently relapsed to 1049 105. Turkish Six per Cents have been steady at about 989 99. Sardinian has risen 2 per cent; the price now being 889 89. The settlement of the Foreign Account this day has passed off most satisfactorily ; money plentiful at from 2 to 3 per cent. Brazilian closes at 100 102; Mexioan, 209

Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 78 80 ; Peruvian Three per Ceuta, 53 ; Buenos Ayres, 96 98 ; Venezuela Active, 31 38; Spanish Active, 41 42 - Snanish Deferred, 251 269; Turkish Six per Cents, 98 984 ; Turkish, 1041 In the Railway Share Market a great deal of business has been done at much higher pricee. Great Western have advanced 29, London and. North- Western, 19, Midland Stock 9, London and Brighton 4, Great Northern 4, and Caledonian 1 per cent. The fortnightly settlement took place today, and Contangos generally have ruled very heavy. The markets close this after- noon somewhat flatter : Caledonian, 45 4.54; South-Eastern, 229 224; London and Brighton, 111 113; Great Northern, 25/ 26; Great Western, 61 619; Midland, 949 949; London and North-Western 100/ 1004; London and South-Western, 499 494; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 944 949.

Indian Shares drooped slightly towards the approach of the Account ; but the market is recovering. East Indian, 109 110; Great Indian Peninsula, 214 22; Madras 20/. Shares, 21 214.

In French Shares, a fall during the week has taken place of about I per cent Paris and Lyons, 35 3,54; Northern of France, asi 39; Paris and Strasbourg, 271 289. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'Croce.

An increase of 7413,9141. is shown in this week's Bank return of bullion, making the total amount 13,357,107/. There is scarcely anything stirring this morning on the Stock Exchange. Consols are steady at 941 949. Fo- reign Stocks and Railway Shares are at yesterday's rates.


There is no change whatever to notice in the price of Stocks and Shares all round. Consols have been 941 949 all the morning without

the least fluctuation. These are the latestquotations—Caledo- nian, 904; Eastern Counties, 639; Great Northern, 1031; Great Western, 61k; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 944; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1114; London. and North-Western 10Q4; Manchester,Shef- field and Lincolnshire; 40; Midland, 941 Nekh British, 559: North- Eastern—Berwick, 99; Ditto York, 861. Joust Stock Banks—British North American 58; English, Scottish, and Airetralian chartered, 19; London _Chartered Bank of Australia, 184; London and ConntY, .29 ; Ottoman Bank, 194; Union of Australia, 47; Union of London, 24. Iliscellaneons—Lon- don General Omnibus Company, 31; Peninsular and Oriental Steam; 75.

3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per 'Cents 9 g 94' i


Long Annuities 2 2 1-16 Bank Stock 222 224 Exchequer Bills 22 6 pm, India Stock 921 225 Austrian 5 per Cents 88


Braailian 5 per Cents 100 102 Belgian 44 per Cent. 95 97

Chilian 6 per. Cents

102 104 Danish Spec Cents ' 29 101 Danish' 3 per Cents 83 5 Dutch 24 per Cents

691i 51 Ditto'4 per Cents 14 Mei-Jean 3 per Cents ' 2.

Peruvian 44 per Cents 77 is Ditto 3 per Cent 53 5 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853 44 45 Russian 5 per Cents 108 110

Ditto 44 per Cents 98 100

Spanish 3 per Cents 41 42

Ditto Deferred 254 6

Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 Swedish 4 per Cents 803

Turkish 6 per Cents. 98 9 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 104 4 mom OIL ENGLAND.

SA Account, pursuant to the 7111 and 6th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 13th day 01 350, 1858.


Other Securities 3,459,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 12,737,403 Silver Bullion • £27,212,403 427,212,405


Proprietors' Capital • 214,553,000 • 'Government Securities Cincln-

, Public Deposits* ..- ...... 2,966.066. Other Seenrikies 23,649,652- Seven Days and other-Dills— 883,878 Gold and Silver Coin 615,702

£41,202,025 1.41,202,625

Including RxelteqUir,Sa;ing-Barik.s,CommIsSioners of NitiOnal Debt, & Dividend Acct.

At a meeting of the Union Banleof 'Australia, on Monday, a dividend Of 10 per cent for the last six months was declared. The report was of a very favourable character. To meet the requirements of new branches and In- creasinghusiness,-it was resolved to call up the unpaid amount on the neiv shares.- • _ - . - The repent submitted to the proprietors of the London Discount 'Com- pany, yesterday, showed that the capital of the company was intact at the end of the year, and that there was an available balance of 10,128/. 'Subject to a.aesenve forleissee hfretinned bills of 5500/. The Directors recommended that the whole balance. be carried forward; sad the meeting agiented.'

¶lhbiiinid.end of the Brighten Railway will be 3/. 108. for the list half- year, inakigg;frper;eant fee the year._ As the Leviathan gets nearer to being launched, speculation in the Great Eastern-Company shares revives : the 201; shares, all paid-up, sell for rather more than 51.—uot a very e,ef oliregin,eigne- , Messrs. Bannatyne and Seneitlihr‘rintiie house in Limerick, have stoppedeiwyment : liabilities 50,000/. Messrs. Arthur and Co., warehouse- me" of Glasgow, have suspended for a time : their accounts exhibit a .inr- plue of :MOM-. :Messrs. Dinabrnlge and Son, Botherhithe, timber.-med- cliants;-, stopped on Monday:liabilitiese,not heavy. i,Mesere.„Geay:and Sou, Canadien iner*inie, have stuMen4e4,keFAQ90I. _ The intelligep,rea fraMthe inannfaeturincdistrites is again more eheerfui. though no great improvemeat has .occurrea.t. At Manchester,: the revivelie slow .; et .,Lienteghenhethere, is a ratherer better feeling in the _lace trade.; the .*.1#ffPrclithir,e AFfejtrade, quiet, but in ..that district, as in othere,aseveral new failures are annoileed-; ill branches ofindustry at Sheffield ar&i.," see v ely depressed ; at Leeds, there are symptoms of improvement; - and teeorts.cothe from Halifax, Bradford,Leicser, and Kidderminster.

A prospectus has been issued Of a neg.-Miele be called the Great Eliitithern of India Bailw.ay.. It is proposed to run the Southerit.port.of Tutioorin the Medias P•resideney;nt Madura andlniehinsepol • tlirl'Pairjore, to the port Of Na • ore' with ith;latimate•ei. eneielffront Om :lite the Mailing :line at S • •. The total length is es "Inaffke: t,irection, fols Which' a guarantee itaiskeecni a capital 'Or , 000/., Trithino - poly to Nagore, a distance of about seventy.nfiks11' • The: Australian 8teini OHO& CORI FISMited) is to be watiid-nee It *Ore than sufficient to pay- all

is expected that Vie paid-hp

The export of sherry wines in 1867, WAS 60,707 butts ; in /856, 54;611 ; in 1855, 43,637.