16 JANUARY 1864, Page 2

A correspondent of the Times furnishes a personal sketch of

the Duke of Augustenburg, which makes that important personage a little more visible and less mythical than he has hitherto been. He is a tall man, over six feet high, with hazel hair, blue eyes, light eyebrows, good " complexion, manner somewhat slow but stately, and speech sedate, with a slight "peculiarity." He talked " affably," as German princes, when not opposed, generally do, and seems altogether a well-intentioned, but somewhat slow and heavy person, who will govern Holstein without many blunders, but not be a very dangerous personage in Europe. German princes seldom arc, which is one reason why they get so many thrones. Bona- partes arc too troublesome, the House of Savoy too warlike, and the Bernadottes too new, and there is nobody else out of this one -German caste.