16 JANUARY 1897, Page 26


Austin (A.), The Conversion of Winekelmann, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6/0 Ras (P. B. I.), The Cathedral Church of bt. Asaph, Cr 8vo US:nee

o:l 6/01ml

Benson (E. F.), The Babe B.A., cr 8vo (Putnam) Bewes (W. A.), Church Briefs, 8vo (Black) 18/0

Bolt (Ben.), Anthony Jasper (Pseudonym Library), long 12mo (Unwin) 1/6

Brook (W.), A Young Congo Missionary, Cr 8vo (Allenson) 1,6 Browne (A. H.), Wearied with the Burden, cr 8vo (Longmans) 4/6 Catalogue of the Maiolicia, &e., in Ashmelean Museum, Oxford, 4to (Frowde) 10/6 Coils (W. L.), Pictorial Photographs, 18 Platee, folio (K. Paul) 21/0 Condor (0.. E.), The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1099-1291 A.D., cr 8v0 (Palestine Exploration Fund) 7/6 Cornish (V.), Short Studies in Physical Science, &c.. cr 8v0 (S. Low) 5/0 °rages (J. G.), Heavy Trial Balances Made Easy, roy 8vo...(Scientific Press) 2/6 Cross (M. B.). Blind Bats, or 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) 6/0 Dawkins (G. H.), Present Day Sires, or 8.0 (11. Cox) 6/0 Devlin (T. C.), Municipal Reform in the United States, or 8vo (Putnam) 3/6 Du Meunier (G.), English Society, 4to (Osgood) 12/6 Emmett (E. B.), Loving Service : Life of Martha Braithwaite (Headley) 36 Faithful unto Death: Missionary Life of Win. & Lucy S. Johnson. (HeadieY) 3/6 Gibbon (E.), Unpublished Works, 3 vols., Vol. I., 8vo (Mu) 12/0 Gibbon (B.). Unpublished Works, -Vol.. 11. and III., 8vo (Murray) 24.0 Gould (G. Al.), An Autumn Singer, 12mo (Lippincott) 6;0 Graham (W.); When the Birds Begin to Sing, 8v0 (Pearson) 3/6 Harland (31.), and Another, The National Cook-Book, cr 8v0 (Unwin) 7/6

Harper (A. .), Pioneer Work on the Alps of New Zealand, 8vo (Unwin 21/0

Hazlitt (W. C.), Four Generations of a Literary Family, 2 vole. ...(Redway 31.6 Heawood (E.), Geography of Africa, Llmo (11acmillau) 2/6 Beaty (G. A.), The Queen's Cup, 3 vole. cr 8vo (Chatto & Wondus) 15/0

Higgs (H.), The Physiocratte cr 8.0 (Pearson) 16

Horefall (Afro.), Pretty Home., 8vo (European Mail 011ce) 3 6

Hort (F. J. A.), Village Berm ins, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 6,0

Hungerford (Mrs.), An Anxious Momeat, &c., or 8ve (Chat° & Wining) 3/6 Heater (W. W.), The Thaekerays in India, roy lesao (Frowde) 2/6 Ibsen (H.), John Gabriel Berkman, or 8vo (Meineresan) 510 Kingsley (M. H.), Travels in West Africa. 8vo (Macmillan) 21/0 langdon (W. E.), The Application of Electricity to Railway Working (Seen) 10/6 Lorimer (G. C.), Messages of To-Day, cr 8vo (Christian Commonwealth Office) 5/0 Mantle (j. G.), "Better Things," or 8vo (Marshall Bros.) 2/6 Mason (C. Al.), Parente and Children, £1,0 6 Moore (F. F.), The Impudent Comedian, and Others, 8v0 (Pearson) 5/0 Morrison (W. D.), Juvenile (Menden% cr 13vo (Unwin) 6/0 Mount Edgcnmbe (Earl of), Nature and the Book, 8vo (Stanford) 2/6 Nisbet (H.), The Scampers, or 8vo (F. V. White) 3/6 Nude in Art The), 4.5 Photogravure's, folio (K. S. Nichols) 84/0 ()Donahue (T. A.), Colliery Snrveymg, cc 8,0 (Macmillan) 2/6 Our Christian Year : Lessons for Elder Scholars, Cr 8vo (Stook) 5/0. Paterson (M. M.), Compensation Discharge in the Rivers and Streams of the West Riding, 8vo (Seen) WO Perkin (W. H.), A Another, Introduction to Study of Chemistry (Macmillan) 2/6 Philpot (Mrs. J. H.), The Sacred Tree, 8vo (Macmillan 8/6 Reel of No. 8 (A) and Suddaby Fewster„ by Flit and Ko...(A. Brown & Sons) 6/0 Roberts (Lord), Forty-one Years in ludo'', 2 vols. 8vo (Bentley) 36/0 Roy (K.). Tales of an Engineer, cr 2/o (Unwin) 2/6 Sergeant (A.), The Idol-Maker, cr 8vo (Hutchinson) 6/0 Sparkes (J. C. L.) and Another, Potters, their Arts and Crafts...(Pastridge) 3/6 Stuart (E.), Arrested : a Novel, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 6/0

Scannell (M.), Black Board Drawing, 4to Barbell (F. B.), A History of Greek Art, Cr Bye Watch Song of Heabane (The), roy 8vo

(Macmillan) 3/6 (Macmillan) 6/0 (Murray 10/6 Westall (W.), With the Red Eagle, or 8vo ((Matto & Windus) 6.0 Willis (J. C.). Flowering Plants and Ferns, 2 vols. or 8v0 (Comb. Univ. Press) 10/6 Young (W. H.). How to Preach with Power, 810 (Stock) 6/0