16 JULY 1898, Page 16


" SPECTATOL"] SIR,-Will you permit us to appeal through your columns for help for the above Fend ? Last summer 31,412 children were sent through its agency to cottages in country villages for not less than a fortnight's fresh air. This total, which at first sight seems a large one, is in reality but small when compared with the total number of children—now nearly 800,000—on the roll of the elementary day-schools of London. The Children's Country Holidays Fund is doing its best to provide a change of air for the most ailing of these, but it cannot meet the demand made upon it without increased help. The work is efficiently and carefully done with the aid of over two thousand voluntary workers in London and the country. More than a third of the expense is met by the parents themselves, the cost to the Fund being a little less than 10s. The public has hitherto supported the work very generously; but more help is wanted to meet the increasing needs of the children. Contributions may be sent to the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, M.P. (Hon. Treasurer to the Fund), 10 Buckingham Street, Strand.—We are, Sir, &c.,


JOHN LUBBOCK. (Trustees of the Fund.)

[We find it, as a rule, impossible to print the appeals sent us, but must make an exception for the Children's Country Holidays Fund.—En. Spectator.]