16 JULY 1898, Page 3

It is with the greatest possible satisfaction that we record

the result of the Imperial Conference on Postal Rates. It

was announced on Wednesday that arrangements had been made for an Imperial penny postage between Canada, New- foundland, the Cape and Natal, and certain of the Crown Colonies. Australia and New Zealand, as well as India, will doubtless soon follow suit, and we shall then reach the ideal of a penny stamp carrying a letter wherever the Union Jack flies. We venture to prophesy that the final result of the measure will be as financially profitable as was the penny post in the United Kingdom. The effect of the change in helping to unite the Empire cannot, of course, be doubted. If people are to feel themselves members of one great community they must have the power of speaking to each other, and this power they get by the penny post. In three years the Colonial letters will have quadrupled. The next step should be a penny post between the Empire and the United States.