16 JULY 1910, Page 17


OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Would you kindly allow me to draw the attention of those in the home country who are interested in the work of the Young

Women's Christian Association to the special needs of the Orange River Colony ?

The Y.W.C.A. was started in Bloemfontein about two years ago and has made quiet but notable progress. An effort is now being made to raise the money which will be required to enable us to have a resident secretary, and also to open a boarding-house for women. The boarding-house is much needed both for girls work- ing in shops in Bloemfontein and for those coming into town from the country, and also as a basis for institute work. The appoint- ment of a resident secretary would greatly help forward work amongst the young women living on isolated farms. This work would take the form of keeping in touch with the scattered members by corresponding with them, distributing literature, &c., and would of course be greatly appreciated. It seems sad that, with Union, Bloemfontein should be the only capital in United South Africa where the Y.W.C.A. is not thoroughly established, and I would earnestly plead for such financial help as will enable us to carry out our scheme in its entirety. Lady Selborne has kindly written a postscript to this letter in support of our appeal. Any contributions will be received by Mrs. Hartley, Armathwaite Hall, Cockermouth, or by Mrs. Reginald Fawkes, Parkstone House, Poole, Dorset.—I am, Sir, &c., EVELYN FAWKES, Hon. Sec. Y.W.C.A. Bloemfontein, O.R.C., South Africa.

I have great pleasure in testifying to the very excellent work the Y.W.C.A is doing in South Africa. No one could give money to a more worthy use than to support this Association. It is a great thing for young women to find a home and Christian friends in so many South African towns.—I am, Sir, &c.,