16 JULY 1910, Page 3

In the course of the debate Lord Charles Beresford made

a striking speech. When interrupted by Mr. Dillon with the outcry "Your Estimates would be up to a hundred millions," he gave the very sound answer : " They would be up to a hundred millions if they went on with driblets.' Here we are sure he is right. If we had maintained our ship- building at a normal level, the Germans would not have been encouraged to accelerate their programme, and we should have been in a far stronger position and have saved money. By relaxing our efforts we in fact egged on the Germans to compete with us. Mr. McKenna closed the debate in a speech in which he declared that the Admiralty only laid down ships as they thought them necessary. The Admiralty's motto was "Be safe and be sober." "If we asked for less than we are asking now we could not be sure of being safe ; and I am certain that if we asked for more we should not be sober." When the Committee divided Mr. Dillon's amendment was negatived by a majority of 228 (298-70).