16 JULY 1927, Page 18

General Knowledge Competition

TEE prize of one guinea which the Editor offers weekly for the best thirteen General Knowledge Questions (with answers) is awarded to Miss Pearce, for the following :— What Do You Know of The League ?

1. How many Member States are there ?

2. What are the official languages of the League ?

3. Where is the Permanent Court of International Justice established ? What English judge sits on it ?

4. What does the Covenant of the League call " a sacred trust of civilization ? "

6. In what connexion does the phrase " friendly right " occur in the Covenant ? Name an instance when Great Britain exercised that right.

6. On what occasion did a Government instruct its own army " Make only slight resistance," explaining that the League was expected to stop the war ?

7. On what occasion did a great orator greet the representatives of an ex-enemy nation with the words " Our peoples . . . in point of virility, in point of heroism, have nothing more they can display. Turn history's pages. Each has known how to show its heroism on the field of battle . . . Henceforward they can seek other victories on other fields."

8. With what department of the League's work are the 'following associated : (a) M. Rappard ; (6) Dame Rachel Crowdy ; (c) Sir Eric Drummond ; (d) Dr. Nansen ; (e) M. Albert Thomas ?

9. Where has the League established an Intelligence Bureau for Health, in the East ?

10. What area is ruled by an International Commission, under the League 1 11. Who was the first woman to speak both in her own country's Parliament and in the Assembly of the League ?

12. What woman has twice represented England as sub-delegate 13. What three documents pledge us to .a limitation and reduction of armaments ?

Answers will be found on page 112.