16 JULY 1927, Page 24

PEACOCKS. By Vennette Herron. (John Murray. 7s. 6d. net.)—Here are

seven admirable stories of Java, some of which have already appeared in the Conduit Magazine. Where all are good it is difficult to choose the best, but perhaps " Gamelan," the story of the showman of the marionettes, is the most striking. It certainly gives a great insight Into the native point of view. Rawi himself, the son and successor of old Amat, the original showman, is a strangely attractive figure, and his choice of a golden kris to wear at his back, the sign of a warrior and prince, as a reward for his successful performance before the Sultan has something of the heroic. When the Little God Laughed " is also attractive, but—though it is difficult to say so 'of any story of the East— it rather tries the credulity of the reader. Incidentally, the book gives an admirable picture of the justice and kindliness of Dutch rule in Java.