16 JULY 1954, Page 17

Country Life

THEY tell me that B. died this mornin',' said old S. when I met him. I nodded, for I had heard the news. ' Poor fellow,' said S., who was himself very near death a year or so ago. ' Poor fellow, he never looked right. I told him mesself once he better look to it or he'd be orderin' a box. He laughed, but when I seen the way he laughed .1 was sorry I said it, for I could tell he knew his time was comin', but I cheated them when they had me in, didn't I1 I made them nurses laugh. I cheered them up and I made them run when they wanted to give me a bath too ! Me, at my time bcin' bathed like a baby said, you fetch the matron then. When they come back I was bathed. Nipped out an' done it mesself. I told the matron 'twas no use her Win' dignity if I hadn't a right to mine. I still goes down there now an' then an' leaves them somethin' for their tea, an egg or sichlike. They all remember me alright I Navin' me there cured no end of folks ' I thought it very likely. Old 8. has something about him that tells- the world he is determined to live.