16 JUNE 1832, Page 6

ebt Court.

The King and Queen, on Tuesday, attended the triennial exhibi- tion, called the Eton Montem, in which the youthful aristocracy of England make the earliest display of those powers which they are afterwards to practise on a wider stage. That for the inirpose of col- lecting a few hundred pounds, to fit out the leader of one of the greatest schools in our great and wealthy country, it should be found necessary to send forth a regiment of lordlings to levy forced contribu- tions on every passenger who may happen to be travelling in the vi- cinity of Windsor, and on every householder that resides in the vicinity, is in perfect keeping with the system by which these lordlings are sup- ported in after life. The sum begged—robbed is the word when the poor have recourse to such a form of begging—amounted on this occa- sion to 1,0001. Their Majesties were entertained, as usual, by the Provost and Masters of the College. The afternoon was wet, and the bravery of the outset was only equalled by the miserable rout in which the show ended. This will be the last, we rather think.

The King held a Levee on Wednesday. These ceremonies, it ap- pears from the Gazette, are to be continued every week until further notice. The Queen held the last Drawing-room for the season on Thursday; it was numerously attended.