16 JUNE 1838, Page 11



An extensive sale of Reduced Three per Cent. Stock, on account of the Court of Bankruptcy, occasioned a depression in the English Funds ; and Consols for Account have been as low as 944 ; but the market has since im- proved, and has been in the course of to-day at 95, buyers, closing at that price. The New Three.and-a-Half per Cents. and Consols being shut for the Dividend, the business transacted has been trifling, and has been confined to Reduced Three per Cents. and Reduced Three.and.a-Half per Cents. Exchequer Bills have improved, and are quoted to.day at 70s. prem. Money has been in demand ; and a higher rate of interest has been given to carry over Stock than for some time past. This has been particularly the case in the Foreign Market; where all descriptions of Stock are more plentiful than ordinary. A decline of if per cent, in the price of Dutch Two.and.a.Half per Cents. at Amsterdam has pro- duced a corresponding depression here ; and these Securities, which were cur- rent at 55 and 55i, have been as low as 54R, but have since improved to 55. By the last advices from Holland, money was very much in demand there ; and the shares of the Dutch East India Company had fallen considerably.

The business of the Foreign Stock Exchange has not been of an important character ; the only fluctuation of moment having been the one alluded to in Dutch Stock. The arrival of the Lisbon Mail produced a temporary decline in Portuguese Bonds; but the market has since recovered to quotations rather above those from which it fell. Spanish Stock has been heavy, and was done on Wednesday at 2l ; but in the course of this day, it has been as high as 22 for the next account, and closes at 211 Z. Brazilian Bonds have evinced a tendency to decline; although by recent arrivals we have received intelligence from Rio Janeiro to the middle of March, and both the exchange and local Government Stock had slightly advanced. Some considerable quantity of Bonds has, however, been brought to market, anti the quotations ate about iff per cent, below those of last week. The other South American Bonds, as well as Mexican Stock, are heavy, in the absence of business.

The Railway Shares are depressed ; especially those of the Great Western' Which were on Wednesday as low as 18t prem., being a decline of 111. los. per share since the opening of the Railway. The price of the shares has, how- ever, recovered about Si. during yesterday and toelay. The Asphalte Shares are still in a very depressed state, and but few of them are at all saleable : Claridge's, which had fallen as low as 2/. prem., have within this day or two recovered about 2/. per share. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'CLuCK.

Scarcely any thing of importance has occurred here this morning ; and prices are the same as yesterday. In the Share Market, the Shares of the Great Western Railway are lower, having fallen from 25 to 22 : all others are at yesterday's prices—Great Western 21 to 23 prem. ; London and Birming- ham 81 to 83 prem.; New Ditto 23 to 24 pram.; Brighton A to A prem. ; Croy- don 151 to 16 prem. ; New Ditto I to 2 prem. ; Southampton 42 to 43 per Share ; New Ditto 18 to 19 prem. ; Manchester and Birmingham Ito prem.

3 per Cent. Consols

It,t: t far Account

shot 95 3 per Cent. Reduced 931

New 31 per Cent. Anus

shot ?lank stoek

201 5

Inai.ot.t,,ek shot

Ditto Bonds

68 71pm. Exchenner Bills Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish

Dutch 2411,'I Cents

Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts.

Ditto 3 per Cent.

Russian (LS2215 per Cent ...

Spanish (18351 5 per Cent...

Deferred Stock Passive Ditto ...