16 JUNE 1855, Page 11


A performance "by command" is even more rare in Paris than in London, though scarcely a week passes without a visit of the Emperor

and his consort to one or more of the theatres. However, on Friday the 8th instant, the official words "par ordre" appeared on the bills of the Opera Comique; and a little opera, in one act, composed by Count d'Osmond and M. Costa, and entitled Jacqueline, was played in obedience to the Imperial "bespeak."

The contest—so popular with the French—between aristocracy by birth and aristocracy by talent, with a victory, of course, on the aide of the latter, is the theme of a new comedy in verse, by M. Ernest Legouve, recently produced at the Theitre Francais.

Wednesday the 6th instant was the two hundred and forty-ninth an- niversary of Pierre Corneille's birthday, and was honoured at the Theatre Francais by the performance of Horace and Le Menteur. We have no- thing of the kind in London, any more than we have a Fontaine Mo- liere. To find the birthday of our great poets, we must look in the Bio- graphical Dictionary.