16 JUNE 1866, Page 23

Men of History. By Eminent Writers. (Nimme, Efiinburgh.)—ThisP seems to

us a happy idea of the publisher's. We get in a handy volume- estimates of the most considerable personages of history-by ammo- of the best judges. We -do not always agree with the editor in his selec- tion of valuers ; we do-not- see, for example, why the, appraisemont of the Duke of Wellington should be loft to Hugh Miller, or of Macaulay to Mr. George Gilfillan, and we think that the course taken in the case of Nelson, who is allowed two characters, a French as well as an English. one, might have been followed in other instances; stiff in the majority of eases the judgment is sound, and the book is in consequence both useful and entertaining. Mr. Grote leads off with the character of Alexander the Great, and Mr. Hannay's description* of •Thackeray con- eludes the volume ; between the two there is sufficient distance and distinction to admit of much variety, and the editor has notnegleeted-the opportunity thus afforded him.