16 JUNE 1883, Page 2

A deputation of Armenians waited on Lord Dufferin on Wed-

nesday to congratulate him on his efforts on their behalf, and to express their hope that the Ottoman Government would at last see its own true interest. Lord Dufferin, in reply:told the deputa- tion that he had assured the Sultan of the loyalty of Armenians, and had pressed on him the necessity of sending a Commissioner to govern the province who would remove all corrupt officials, and wherever the Armenians were in a majority would appoint Armenians in their places. His plan is, in fact, self-govern- ment for Armenia, under a removable Commissioner. The Sultan listened, Lord Dufferin said, and was gracious ; but he had himself little hope, and he had warned the Sultan that " term must come to patience." The Russian Armenians were in a very different position from those of Turkey, the latter began to draw invidious deductions, and in a short time a situa- tion might arise most disastrous to the Porte and its supre-

macy. Of course, the object of this very unusual demonstration is to attract attention in Constantinople; but it is hardly pro- lbahle that the mind of the Sultan will be much affected. What .does he care what Mr. Hagopian, or Mr. Apcar, or other Asiatic -Christians may feel ? When the Russian troops appear on -the border, the Sultan will grant autonomy ; and till then, This Pashas will plunder hard, taking all the more because the province is going. Think what mosquitoes would be, if they knew that their last chance of sucking had arrived !