16 JUNE 1933, Page 3

Bilking...the Hospitals . The victims of road accidents . are now

so numerous that the hospitals may well desire to be remunerated for the services which they render to injured people. Mr.6.k." Power, the secretary of. Westminster Hospital, declares. that the voluntary hospitals spend nearly £200,000 a year on such cases, and that .the. small cottage hospitals. near main roads are especially hard hit, because . the -strangers . whom they take in seldom Pay for treatment. -Colonel kirby,. the chairman of the York COUnty Hospital; has made 'the not unreasonable suggestion , that a central fund might be established. either . from- an addition of 2s. to the motor licence or Boni an extra 2s. 6d. on the motor insurance policy. A motorist has. to pay for mending his damaged car, There is no reason on earth why he should escape payment for mending his damaged self.