16 JUNE 1939, Page 6

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I was wrong, it seems, in thinking that Mr. A. P. Herbert would succeed in dissuading the President of the Board of Trade to disallow the incorporation of Dr. Buchman's move- ment under the name of the Oxford Group. Mr. Stanley was wrong, in my judgement, in giving official approval to the appropriation by the Group of an appellation to which that can establish no good title. And Mr. Herbert himself was wrong—again, of course, in my judgement—in applying language of quite undue vilification to the members of the Group movement in the course of his controversy with Mr. Stanley in the House on Tuesday. Here, apparently, the matter ends. It will be interesting to observe whether The Times, which sets something of a standard in such matters, will continue to refer, as it has done lately, to the " Oxford " Group, or relapse into the normal Oxford Group. Mr. Stanley's award appears to confer a good claim to the latter. The common opinion in the House seems to be that while this is not among the momentous questions of the day, the President of the Board of Trade made a bad decision.