16 JUNE 1967, Page 27

The battle of Stansted

Sir: I was most interested in your article on the projected Stansted airport (9 June) and your reference to the unanimity of the press about this scheme—damnable if it weren't so patently ludicrous.

For the last thirty-seven years or thereabouts, with some war-time intervals, I have started my day by reading all the nationals, and most of the leading provincials, together with the weeklies at the weekend. I entirely agree with you that never, in all this time, have I seen such complete unani- mity of condemnation on the part of the press, right, left and centre.

Surely with such nation-wide feeling the Govern- ment will think again? Or is the obstinacy of Mr Wilson and his curious funnies of 'planners' prompted by the fact that Mr Jay's 'gentlemen in Whitehall who know best' must never be allowed to lose face?