16 JUNE 1984, Page 19

Brave bishop

Sir: Paul Johnson (The press, 2 June) has devastated the letter to the Times from three bishops, though he has done so by saturation bombing rather than pin-point accuracy. It would be fun to dissect his article in the same way as he has written off those who have offended him — he mirrors many of the faults he castigates. Nevertheless, much of what he says is true.

One thing, however, cannot be allowed to pass. He accuses the bishops of lack of courage. I am not known for sycophancy, but, certainly as far as the Bishop of Southwell is concerned, I must protest at this slur. Whatever may be thought of what he does or says, he is one of the bravest men I know, and this has shown itself in many aspects of his life, from his war record through his student days, to the way in which he has taken a notably independent line over many things since being made bishop. Often his actions have been to the detriment of his popularity. I am quite sure that he would be willing to argue his case with Paul Johnson.

The Revd B.A. Hopkinson

The Vicarage, Epperstone Road, Lowdham, Nottingham