16 JUNE 1984, Page 19

No Waugh fund

Sir: It was immensely kind of Janet Daley (Letters, 9 June) to suggest that Spectator readers might like to contribute to my expenses in defending the action brought by Mrs Tomalin and Times Newspapers, but lawyers advise it would be imprudent to launch a Tomalin-Murdoch Fighting Fund at this stage. In the event of Mrs Tomalin winning more than token or derisory damages in court, there will be the traditional Gnomefam Appeal with charity concerts, etc.

In the meantime cheques will be sent back, but I would be most grateful to hear from any other journalists who feel that they have been forced by the Times Newspapers legal machine to apologise for saying things they never said.

Auberon Waugh

Gnome House, 6 Carlisle Street, London WI