16 MARCH 1839, Page 12

The all-important subject of National Education has been taken up

by sonic influential people in the City : a Committee, composed of seve- ral Members of Parliament, and commercial and literary men, has

been formed ; and Mr. JAMES MON, of Edinburgh, who gave such valuable evidence before Mr. Wyseri Committee on Education, and possesses the art of interesting large audiences, has been in- invited to deliver a course of lectures, to commence the first week in April. We are glad to see this manifestation of zeal in the furtherance of .those principles of universal and unrestricted instruction, that the Government have adopted—though timidly and on a tiny scale—at the instance of the Parliamentary .Committee : they have now to be car- ried into operation, and the quickening influence of' public opinion will he exerted most beneficially. A similar plan might be pursued with advantage at the West end of the Metropolis.