16 MARCH 1889, Page 2

The Times' case has closed before the Parnell Commission, and

the Commission has adjourned for a fortnight to enable Sir Charles Russell to prepare his defence, which is expected to be an elaborate and brilliant performance. Mr. Parnell, in his speech at SL James's Hall on Wednesday, declined to go into the subject before the Commission, but intimated that he reserved what he had to say, in the first place for the House of Commons, and in the next place for;the witness-box; so that he will be called for the defence, and will no doubt be one of the main witnesses on whom Sir Charles Russell will rely for clearing the Land and National Leagues of complicity in

outrage. Of course, of complicity in boycotting he cannot clear it, as that was Mr. Parnell's own policy deliberately im- pressed by him on the Irish people.