16 MARCH 1907, Page 2

The situation in California is for the moment improved. In

accordance with the agreement made with President Roosevelt last month, the San Francisco Board of Education have rescinded the resolution of last October which excluded Japanese scholars from the ordinary schools. The concession has been grudgingly made, the President of the Board of Educa- tion even going as far as to say that if Mr. Roosevelt fails to keep faith with the Board and does not fulfil his part of the Agreement, the Board can withdraw its concession and compel all Japanese children to attend Oriental schools. As a matter of fact, the President has already signed an Executive Order enforcing the clause in the recent Immigration Law requiring Japanese entering the United States to be provided with passports. Along with this comes the reassuring news that Mayor Schmitz and Abraham Ruef—the evil genius of San Francisco—have at last been compelled to stand trial, an 'achievement which has greatly encouraged all decent citizens in their campaign against municipal corruption.