16 MARCH 1929, Page 32


These estimates were based on an anticipated revenue for the year of £756,083,000, but before the Finance Bill bad gone through the Commons concessions in the new duties had been made, reducing the. estimate to a little: tinder £756,000,000. During the last few weeks the revenue Eas been coming in fairly, well, but unless there Should be an extraordinary rush of receipts during the next four weeks, it looks as though there would be con- siderable_ disappointment on the revenue side. On the expenditure sideof the accounts it is not improbable that there may be some savings in ordinary expenditure, but where the Chancellor has beenbadly hit is with regard to the debt charges. In other Words, the rate of during the year has been higher than could have been: expected, and the effect of that must have been to add some few millions to the debt charge.