16 MARCH 1934, Page 20


SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In his very carefully reasoned letter Dr. Bitching comes to the conclusion that the only way to get healthy children and healthy cows is to supply pasteurized Certified milk. With this • conclusion I am in agreement. I should merely suggest replacing the words " Certified milk " by " milk from tuberculin-tested herds," so as to avoid the necessity, incumbent on producers of Certified milk, of bottling the milk on the farm. Milk produced under licence from tuberculin- tested herds and subsequently pasteurized would furnish us with a clean, safe milk at a price that should not exceed that of ordinary pasteurized milk by more than 2d. a quart. This should be the best milk on the market and should receive the unhesitating support of the medical profession. At present neither Certified nor Grade A tuberculin-tested milk is allowed by law to be pasteurized and sold as such. Altera- tion of the Milk Designations Order to permit of the pasteuriza- tion of this type of milk should, I venture to suggest, do more to stimulate the building up of healthy herds than any-other single measure. In the meantime, the , alternatives, are Grade A Pasteurizetjand Pasteurized milk,—I am, Sir, &c., 4. G. S. WiLsow. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, W.C.1.