16 MARCH 1951, Page 18

Use the Bookseller

Stg,—As a bookseller and a regular reader of A Spectator's Notebook, I protest against the direction in the notes, March 9th, to your readers re Let's Halt Awhile. to obtain it direct from the author, "otherwise through booksellers" If both parties in your view must be mentioned, put' the bookseller first, for the health and wealth of all concerned in bookselling depends on thriving bookshops. This is only possible if the potential purchaser of one book goes to the bookshop and there sees and handles other books. At no time in our history has this need been greater, whether at home or abroad.—Yours faithfully, I4a Clifford Street, W.I. S. R. FULLER, Manager, Truslove and Hanson.