16 MAY 1829, Page 2


• STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvENING.—The transactions of the week have been more uninttcresting than for some time past. On Monday, the market opened with a very promising aspect, and the price of Consols advanced to 872 to 88; but the supply of Money Stock proving greater than the demand, a gradual decline has since taken place, and at the close to-day, the price was

only The amount of business done, notwithstanding the near approach of the account-day, has been very small. The heavy Stocks are nearly at last week's prices ; and Exchequer Bills have advanced to from 68s. to 70.8 In the Foreit;i1 Market, the same inactivity prevails. Brazil Stock has fallen about one per cent ; and Russian Bonds have recovered to 96; but no consi- derable transactions have torten place in either. In the share there is literally nothing doing; and on the whole, we have hardly ever teported the transactions of a week of so little interest.

SaTeitoAy, TwEi.vc o'cLock.—Consols opened at 871 to 1, and remained so until a few minutes ago, when a considerable purchase was made for real account; which has improvt:d the price a shade: present price 871 to 2.

Minh Stock,die.Sper Cent.. 2,;0 Colombian,

3 per Cent. Reduced, SGT Ditto, 1624, 6 per Cent. 151- 3 per Cent. Consols, 67:4, I Danish, 3 per Cent. 6.54 Gal per Cent. ISIS, French a per Cents. per Cent. Reduced, 951 Ditto 3 per Cents.

New 4 per Cents. 1622, 103 102Z Greek 5 per Cent. 14,, 15 4 per Cents. 1626, Mexican 6 per Cent 20.1 20,1

Long Annuities, (which expire .5th Jan. Neapolitan 5 per Cent. 1b60) renlViall, 6 per Cent. 10 12 India Stock, dir. lot per Cent. 2221 2231 Portuguese, 5 per Cent.444 441 South Sea Stock, per Cent. Prussian, India Romig, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 90 96i 1629, thereafter a per Cent.) Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. per Diem.) 68

Consols fur Account 871


Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 52 Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 24 25

6 per Cent. 17 Id Spanish, 9,1

SI1A R as.

Anglo.3Iexican, 231. Ins. 24/. I0g. Brazilian, Imperial, 731. 75/. Rea,Vel Monte, 1201. 1301. Bolanos, 3901. 310.


United Mexican, 8/. 91.