16 MAY 1829, Page 9


THERE is no member of the profession whose character stands higher than that of Mr. F. CRAMER. We never heard hiS name mentioned without respect. Educated in the school of classical music, in that of the most correct and refined taste, he has preserved am. added to the laurels which, ere his birth, had adorned his name. But he is not the bigot of a school. Though imbued by education with the love for the ancient and classical, he has kept pace with the increased demands upon the powers of his instrument, and is at once the most accomplished and the most influential leader of the present day.

The correctness of Mr. F. CRAMER'S taste would lead us to antici- pate a good selection at his annual concert. As far as depended on himself, it was so. The instrumental music was of the first character; and we class in this epithet the fine old concerto of GEMINIANI, which we presume was omitted on account of the length of the concert. Let us impress upon Mr. SEy moult (with whose playing we were very much pleased) the diligent and patient study of CORELLI, and the best violinists of his time. We make this suggestion because we antici- pate it will not be made in that quarter in Vain. Miss M. CRAMER is a singer of very correct taste ; which, indeed, was partly evinced by her choosing the elegant " Lungi del carp' of SARTI, in preference to the miserable adaptation of PACINI. Mr. VAUGHAN sang "Alexis;" Miss STEPHENS " Sweet bird ;" Mr. PHILLIPS " Angel of life ;" all of which we have heard so often that we never desire to hear them again. The room was well filled.