16 MAY 1874, Page 1

Lord Carnarvon on Tuesday explained the Government plan for the

reorganisation of the Gold Coast. We have discussed it 'elsewhere, but may here remark that Lord Carnarvon repudiates the idea either of abandoning 'the settlement or paving: the ,way for its abandonment, that he unites it with Lagos, that a capital is to be seated either at Elmina or Accra, and that a Government like that of Jamaica is to be kept up at both places, passing part of the year at each and part at a hill sanitarium. 'The name of a-Protectorate is to be kept up, but the Governor is to be absolute, even over the allies, and the administration would be that of any 'other Crown colony, but for one thing. Slavery cannot exist

Crown colony, and Lord Carnarvon does not. 'see, his way towards enfranchisement, without a compensation he thinks the House of Commons would not give. We dare say he is right, the House of Commons being Tory, but all his plans will be futile till slavery has ceased. No population will Work while their Wages are stolen under threat of the lash, and insurrection against slavery can never be morally condemned.