16 MAY 1885, Page 14


TO .THE IBDITOR OF THE "tibpzumroz.-"

Ste,—.Allow.me,--as a clergyman, and what is commonly-called a High Ohurchnian, to -corroborate your statement, that' the -passages _quoted from --Scripture were directe(Lagainst unlawful relations /with in brother's ,wife,not a brother's -widow, and a -father's wife, rnot a. father's widow." -The strong -family -ties of -.God's ancient people,-andthe opportunities -.thence arieingcfor 'special intimacy, especially in the Wilderness, gave occasion-for the -severe -Mosaic vegulations against forbidden connections. Under laws 'which -permitted polygamy,..Lord .13eauohamp will 'easily understand -that the -strict obligation to entire purity-of heartand life, insisted -on _by our Lord 'and the -great Apostle of the Gentiles, could ecareely be enforced ; but within the family circle, at -least, all 'excesses were carefully guarded -against and 'severely punished.

It is _because this view bas been held by the Latin Church-that shelias for .centuries exercised a :dispensing-power in -the case of .marriages .of a:ffinity ; -going on the broad -principle, which every Roman Catholic rwill admit, that the Church isari -dispense with any and all ecclesiastical-regulations, but eannot -repeal any direct commandment of :Almighty God.—I -am„ 7.-Stble :Terrace, avfoad,..Afar8th. .AECIIER GURNEY.