16 MAY 1908, Page 25

Careers for Our Sons. By the Rev. George H. Williams.

(C. Thurnam and Sons, Carlisle. 4s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Careers for Our Sons. By the Rev. George H. Williams. (C. Thurnam and Sons, Carlisle. 4s. 6d. net.)—Mr.

who is Head-Master of a flourishing grammar-school, has here put together, mainly from official sources, a mass of information about the preparations for various professions and occupations. It will be sufficient to give the sub-title of the work," A Practical Handbook to the Professions and Commercial Life," further of detailed as " The Church, Army and Navy, Mercantile Marine. Law, Medicine, Teaching, Civil Service, Engineering, Journalism, Farming, City, and Colonial Openings." This purpose it seems to carry out.